Irvine Korean Parents Association
& Volunteer Committee
Have a question?
Please send an email to anyone from the contact information
Contact Information
학교별 한인학부모회
IKPA (President) : ikpa.board@ikpa.us
IKPA Irvine High School : ikpa.ihs@ikpa.us
IKPA Northwood High School : ikpa.nhs@ikpa.us
IKPA Portola High School : ikpa.phs@ikpa.us
IKPA University High School : ikpa.uhs@ikpa.us
IKPA Woodbridge High School : ikpa.whs@ikpa.us
IKPA Volunteer Committee (봉사)
IKPAVC: ikpavc@ikpa.us
IKPAVC Membership (회원가입) : ikpavc.membership@ikpa.us
IKPAVC Special Event (Special Event 봉사) : ikpavc.specialevent@ikpa.us
IKPAVC Bowers Museum (Bowers Museum 봉사) : ikpavc.bowersmuseum@ikpa.us
IKPAVC Families Forward (Families Forward 봉사) : ikpavc.familiesforward@ikpa.us
IKPAVC K-Buddy (K-Buddy 봉사) : ikpavc.kbuddy@ikpa.us
IKPAVC Pacific Symphony (Pacific Symphony 봉사) : ikpavc.pacificsymphony@ikpa.us
IKPAVC Second Harvest Food Bank of OC (SHFB OC 봉사) : ikpavc.foodbank@ikpa.us
IKPAVC Shadetree Nursery (Shadetree Nursery 봉사) : ikpavc.shadetreenursery@ikpa.us
IKPAVC Dementia Center (Dementia Center 봉사) : ikpavc.dementiacenter@ikpa.us